Press Release Behavox’s Nabeel Ebrahim to Deliver Keynote at the 7th Annual Canada FinTech Forum 2019 10 21 October 21, 2019 09:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time MONTRÉAL–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Behavox, the market leader in data analytics software for Compliance, CRM and Risk, is pleased to announce that Nabeel Ebrahim will be presenting a keynote at The Canada FinTech Forum in Montréal on October 22, 2019. “We’re delighted to have Nabeel Ebrahim speak during the 3-day Canada FinTech Forum and hear about the revolutionary strides Behavox is making, as well as his insights on AI and FinTech.” Mr. Ebrahim’s keynote calls on companies to challenge legacy assumptions by “turning on the lights” instead of waiting for a breach from an internal or external source. He will discuss how artificial intelligence is transforming electronic communications into actionable insights in order to evolve decision making for management throughout the deepest levels of an organization. Fellow keynote speakers that day include leaders from Ernst & Young LLP, BNP Paribas, Morgan Stanley and IBM Global Business Services. “Our 7th annual FinTech Forum is shaping up to be one of our best with a world-class lineup of top-tier speakers and networking events,” said Matthieu Cardinal, Finance Montréal’s Vice President, FinTech Development and Corporate Affairs. “We’re delighted to have Nabeel Ebrahim speak during the 3-day Canada FinTech Forum and hear about the revolutionary strides Behavox is making, as well as his insights on AI and FinTech.” The Canada FinTech Forum is the largest FinTech event in Canada attracting an international crowd across the technology and financial services’ sectors. Its primary goal is to showcase new global trends in FinTech, new applications of technology for the financial industry, and growing FinTech start-ups. The FinTech Forum also aims to facilitate networking and collaboration among financial institutions, technology providers, start-ups and other key players in the financial services sector, as well as contribute to the visibility of Canadian talent in the field of technology applied to finance. Mr. Ebrahim’s keynote is taking place from 11:35AM to 12PM ET in the main conference room at the Palais des congrès de Montréal on Tuesday, October 22, 2019. Share Behavox Ltdについて ビヘイボックスはAIと機械学習を導入し企業がエンタープライズデータを組織化することでビジネスの成長を守る実用的なデータに洗練するエンタープライズデータ企業です。 規制のエキスパートとして信頼されるビヘイボックスは、コンプライアンス、コンダクト、アーカイブソリューションを提供し、グローバル企業や金融機関が、音声、Eメール、テキスト、ソーシャルメディア、チャット、コラボレーションなどの内部コミュニケーションから価値のある洞察を生み出すことを支援します。ビヘイボックスは、Microsoft Teams、Twitter、WeChat、WhatsApp、Zoomなど、企業および非従来型のアプリケーションの150以上のデータ型を複数の言語、行動シナリオ、リスクカテゴリーにわたってカバーしています。 ビヘイボックスは2014年創業、本社をニューヨークに置き、モントリオール、ロンドン、サンフランシスコ、シアトル、シンガポール、東京、ダラス、アブダビにオフィスを構えています。詳細情報については、www.behavox.comをご覧ください。 メディア対応 [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox、20… 1月 27, 2025 press-release Behavox Re… 1月 22, 2025 press-release Behavox Se… 10月 31, 2024