Press Release | Business Wire GuruLink Hosts Erkin Adylov, Founder and CEO of Behavox, to Discuss The Future of The Workplace in Montréal أكتوبر 22, 2018 MONTREAL–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Behavox, a pioneering artificial intelligence data analytics firm, is pleased to announce that its Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Erkin Adylov, will join, a customized recruitment services and software company, for a discussion on the intersection of technology and the future of the workplace on Tuesday, October 23rd at 6pm in Montréal. Behavox’s machine learning software enables firms to unleash the collective power of people through immediate insights from enormous amounts of employee-generated data, including emails, text messages, trade data and voice calls, all tracked in real-time. Mr. Adylov will discuss how insights ranging from employee performance to sales and profits, can help kickstart workplace change in ways managers could have only imagined. “With our new Montréal office opening its doors this Fall, I’m excited to discuss the opportunities for technology professionals interested in working on Behavox’s industry-leading enterprise data analytics platform. Montréal is a hub of AI development, with their voice and text analytics sectors being particularly notable. I’m looking forward to exploring technology’s expansive influence on the future of the workplace during this discussion, as well.” Behavox is a global enterprise that recently announced their new headquarters in Montréal. Behavox also has offices in New York City, Singapore, London and San Francisco. Those interested in attending the event can register here and have a chance to win a DJI Spark Drone through event registration. The event is being held at 3 Place Ville Marie, Montréal, QC H3B 2E3, Canada on the 4th floor. About provides customized recruitment services and software that are designed to simplify the recruitment process and make it more efficient, and enjoyable for all those involved. This is accomplished through an optimal mix of best practices, technology, and a professional human touch. For more information, visit here. Share نبذة عن شركة بيهيفوكس محدودة المسؤولية. Behavox شركة رؤى تستخدم تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتعلم الآلة المتخصصة في مراقبة السلوك؛ من أجل حماية الشركات من الوقوع في أزمات وأحداث مؤسسية قد تقضي عليها. تقدم شركة Behavox حلولًا تساعد المؤسسات العالمية على توليد رؤى قيّمة من بيانات الاتصالات الداخلية مثل البريد الإلكتروني والرسائل الفورية ووسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والاتصالات الصوت. يُغطي نظام Behavox أكثر من 150 نوعًا من أنواع البيانات، بما في ذلك Microsoft Teams وTwitter WeChat وWhatsApp وZoom، عبر لغات متعددة. أُسِسَت شركة Behavox في عام 2014، ويقع مقرها الرئيسي في مدينة نيويورك، ولها مكاتب في مونتريال ولندن وسان فرانسيسكو وسياتل وسنغافورة وطوكيو ودالاس وأبو ظبي، والمزيد من المعلومات عن الشركة متاح عبر الرابط التالي: اتصالات صحفية [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox Secures $70 Million Credit Facility from Hercules Capital for… أكتوبر 31, 2024 press-release Behavox Intelligent Archive Achieves Over 100% Quarter-over-Quarter Growth أكتوبر 10, 2024 press-release Behavox Reports Strong Q3 2024 Results: Continued Growth and Profitability,… أكتوبر 1, 2024
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