Press Release Behavox Appoints Softbank Investment Adviser’s Catherine Lenson to Its Board of Directors 2021 12 07 New York – December 7, 2021 – Behavox, which provides insights to protect enterprises and their employees from illegal, immoral, and malicious behavior, today announced the appointment of Catherine Lenson, Managing Partner at SoftBank Investment Advisers (“SBIA”), to its Board of Directors. Lenson is the first female Managing Partner at SBIA, one of the world’s most influential technology investors, with $140 billion under management via the two SoftBank Vision Funds. She serves as Chief People Officer and Head of Social Impact. SBIA is both a customer of Behavox and an investor in the company. Erkin Adylov, Behavox Founder & CEO, said, “We are delighted to welcome Catherine to our Board of Directors, particularly as our first female board member. She brings a truly global perspective on talent management and social impact, having worked with multiple SoftBank portfolio companies on ESG initiatives. Her experience and input will be extremely valuable as Behavox grows its global customer footprint and offerings.” Lenson, based in London, is the co-executive sponsor of Emerge, SBIA’s successful tech accelerator for underrepresented entrepreneurs. She also spearheads the firm’s industry-leading initiatives across culture, diversity & inclusion, and wellbeing – and leads strategy for social impact, including ESG, CSR, and sustainability. Outside SBIA, Catherine is a founding member of Sustainability30, a network of Chief Sustainability Officers from 30 of the world’s leading companies, and in 2021 was recognized as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. “The team at Behavox is passionate about protecting its clients and their employees from behaviors that can destroy corporate cultures or lead to irreparable brand damage,” said Lenson. “They help companies have collaborative, productive workforces by utilizing extremely sophisticated technology to stop or mitigate harmful, inappropriate conduct. Together with the entire team at SBIA, I am extremely excited about partnering with this impactful company.” Lenson joins several prominent industry professionals as a member of the Behavox Board of Directors: Jeff Diana, former Chief People Officer at Atlassian and SuccessFactors and advisor to multiple high-growth pre-IPO companies; Michael Piwowar, executive director of the Milken Institute Center for Financial Markets and former commissioner and acting chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and; Tom Schodorf, former Splunk Chief Revenue Officer. Share Behavox Ltdについて ビヘイボックスはAIと機械学習を導入し企業がエンタープライズデータを組織化することでビジネスの成長を守る実用的なデータに洗練するエンタープライズデータ企業です。 規制のエキスパートとして信頼されるビヘイボックスは、コンプライアンス、コンダクト、アーカイブソリューションを提供し、グローバル企業や金融機関が、音声、Eメール、テキスト、ソーシャルメディア、チャット、コラボレーションなどの内部コミュニケーションから価値のある洞察を生み出すことを支援します。ビヘイボックスは、Microsoft Teams、Twitter、WeChat、WhatsApp、Zoomなど、企業および非従来型のアプリケーションの150以上のデータ型を複数の言語、行動シナリオ、リスクカテゴリーにわたってカバーしています。 ビヘイボックスは2014年創業、本社をニューヨークに置き、モントリオール、ロンドン、サンフランシスコ、シアトル、シンガポール、東京、ダラス、アブダビにオフィスを構えています。詳細情報については、www.behavox.comをご覧ください。 メディア対応 [email protected] Related Resources press-release Behavox、20… 1月 27, 2025 press-release Behavox Re… 1月 22, 2025 press-release Behavox Se… 10月 31, 2024