blog | Regulatory Intelligence Behavox at XLoD Global London: The Future of Non-Financial Risk and Control November 18, 2022 Lee Walton Share Behavox recently attended XLoD Global London: The Future of Non-Financial Risk and Control Across 3 Lines of Defence as lead sponsor for a 3 day event that boasted over 40 sessions with 100+ speakers, with Behavox represented by some of the leading minds in the field, CCIO Fahreen Kurji, CRO Nabeel Ebrahim & Head of SME Nicholas Duke. Fahreen was joined by Simon Brady, Editor at 1LoD for a fireside chat to discuss the use of AI in revealing the hidden value in communications intelligence. Behavox CRO Nabeel Ebrahim attended a roundtable on Market Abuse Surveillance: Voice Technology: What Does Good Look Like? And Nicholas Duke led a session on Market Abuse Surveillance: MAR vs Conduct & Culture Surveillance. Day 1 consisted of a series of virtual roundtables, whilst days 2 & 3 were in person at etc.Venues with keynote speeches, debates, terrific networking opportunities and roundtables focusing on: Future of the Surveillance FunctionLeveraging Voice Monitoring in Conduct Risk Management and much, much more! A number of lively discussions on coverage and monitoring took place, for example if you are monitoring for inappropriate use of MNPI or confidential info then monitoring those with access to that may be relevant (e.g. IT and Compliance departments). Interestingly, coverage of WhatsApp proved to be a hot topic, the difficulty of monitoring instant messaging communications apps due to technical constraints, especially interesting for you however, as Behavox have an upcoming event, a roundtable to discuss the Capture and Surveillance on Instant Messaging Applications where participants will learn all there is to know about how to capture and surveil instant messaging channels such as WhatsApp and WeChat. Register for this roundtable or take a look at more information here. Radar Magazine Radar 13 Out Now A New Era For Compliance Download Radar 13 SUBSCRIBE TODAY Complete this form to receive our Newsletter! Thank you for signing up for our Newsletter! Related Readings Regulatory Intelligence Avoiding the Hidden Price of Non-Compliance: Monitorships November 20, 2023 Regulatory Intelligence Benchmarking Behavox Voice Against Leading Transcription Services. November 13, 2023 Regulatory Intelligence Unleashing Innovation: How Google Cloud and Behavox transform financial compliance… October 4, 2023
Regulatory Intelligence Benchmarking Behavox Voice Against Leading Transcription Services. November 13, 2023
Regulatory Intelligence Unleashing Innovation: How Google Cloud and Behavox transform financial compliance… October 4, 2023